Saturday, June 25, 2022

Day 18 - San Severo to Cassino

A very important day, Grizzly's 70th birthday. Of course I got him a card, what sort of tour guide would I be if I didn't. He might even appreciate it,  he's not that demonstrative though. I know he appreciates the effort I put into these tours, even if he moans a bit.

Today we have cut across the country again  east to west, across what might be called the spine of Italy, which means big hills. And as you all know by now, with big hills comes twisty roads to get up them. That being so, Tomtom's birthday gift to Grizzly,  was SP198. Most definitely the worse road we have been on so far, even beating the one in Sicily. With the road twisting and turning and a deteriorating surface, with sections inches lower than the rest and apparently about to slide down the hillside, the surface disappeared completely, to gravel! Not completely but for large sections. I think Grizzly wanted to turn back but we had really passed the point of no return, so we persevered, eventually coming to a hilltop village, where miraculously the road improved. Happy Birthday Grizzly 🤣

This part of the country is covered in little hilltop villages. Wherever there was a sticky up bit in the landscape, then they built a village. They are brilliant to look at, not so brilliant to ride to!

Our first POI of the day wasn't really I at all.  The remains of a Roman Amphitheatre in Larino. Sure there are remains but they are fenced in, with no way to get up close. I took a photo and we pressed on. 

Our next stop was far more interesting, and getting there wasn't quite so bad. Area Sacra dei Templi Italici di Schiavi d'Abruzzo, is a pair of 2nd/1st century BC temples. Covered by a canopy but nonetheless open to the elements, you could easily ride by and never know they were there. Good job I'm a top rate tour guide then, not that my client made the walk down to view them!

Moving on, our next scheduled stop was for fuel but it was gone lunchtime and we hadn't taken on any fluids for a while, so we stopped at a garage with a cafe. Grizzly was able to have his coffee and customary snack, so he was happy.

It had been fairly cool thus far, mid 20s but the clouds that had been with us since the off, had now gone and we were back in the 30s again.

From the fuel stop we just had the run in to Cassino, and a spectacular one it was too.

At one point we had the perfect view of Cassino in the valley, with the Monte Cassino monastery atop the hill.

Before making for our digs, we made a stop by the Fiume Rapido (Rapid River), also known as the Red River on account of the amount of blood in it during World War 2, when an attempt by American soldiers to cross it, was met with heavy resistance. It's tranquil today and fish swim lazily in it, so hard to imagine what it would have been like back in 1944.

From the river it was a couple of minutes to our farmhouse b&b. Nice and peaceful, with extensive landscaped grounds, and a view of the monastery. 

It's out in the sticks,  so dinner was on site again.

Another 2 courses and beer. May be time for another fast food dinner! Evening ended with flying ants dropping in left, right and centre, and kids with a yappy dog, banging the door to the room next door at gone eleven!

Tomorrow we are heading for Rome, where we will have our final rest/sightseeing day. We have a few stops to make on the way though,  hopefully better than the Larino amphitheatre.


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